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Educate | Cultivate | Liberate

Academē is the educational department of Encounter Worship Center. Our mission is to educate you, cultivate your potential, and liberate you to be all God has called you to be. These courses are designed to not only give you tools in order to be successful in church, but also to be successful in life! 


A Woman Writing by the Window

Spring 2024 Session: NOW OPEN

Cultivating a Kingdom Home:

Looking to obtain strategy on cultivating a kingdom family? This course is for you! Not only will you receive strategies, but we will examine family from God’s perspective, establish vision for your family, and gain wisdom to bear fruit while enjoying life.


Ministry Etiquette:

Whether you are called to minister within your local church or itinerantly as a traveling minister, effectiveness and excellence should be your goal. In this course we will explore the etiquettes and ethics every minister should understand in order to be more effective in their ministry.



If you have influence on any level you are called to be a leader. The question is, are you manifesting your full potential as a leader? In this course you will discover your strengths as a leader and will learn to tap into your natural talents to be successful in everyday life. 

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